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All of your contributions benefit underprivileged youth.
Founded in 2020, run by volunteers, with help from supporters.
Committed to a sustainable supply chain using in-kind gifts.
Supporting a variety of sports loved by the youth.

Bringing the joy of sports to the youth of many countries.

Equip a school
Ekipi works with schools to improve and introduce new sports curricula.
Equip a club
Ekipi works with sports clubs to help train more kids and increase participation.
Equip a star
Ekipi sponsors aspiring athletes to train and compete at the highest levels.
Equip a nonprofit
Ekipi works with nonprofits to develop mentally and physically stronger youth.
St. James Abakunta Football
Mfangano Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya
Youth football teams for 20 girls and 20 boys
One female and one male coach training 2-3 days per week and preparing for local tournaments
Sporting equipment, coaches' compensation, administration, and field support for the teams
Program operated by Abakunta Community Organization of Kenya
40 children benefiting from the program

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WhatsApp Image 2021-09-11 at 2.43.54 PM

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-11 at 2.38.43 PM (1)
How to help
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